Welcome to Origin Massage Horgen, your oasis of relaxation nestled in the heart of Horgen. At our brand-new location, you'll experience pure tranquility and restoration.
Enjoy moments of bliss as you relax and indulge yourself with a massage at 147 Seestrasse in Horgen. In addition to traditional massage methods, you can explore various other therapy choices, consisting of trigger point therapy, sports massage, deep tissue massage, and fascial therapy, tailored to your certain requirements.
Origin Massage in Horgen is an extension of our effective massage methods in Zurich and the surrounding areas. Our dedication to promoting well-being and relaxation has actually led us to expand our presence to Horgen.
After a massage session at Origin in Horgen, make the most of the distance to the stunning lake, allowing on your own moments of peacefulness prior to and after your treatment. We constantly encourage you to allocate some time on your own, making sure that you can appreciate your massage experience to the fullest. Following your massage, you can recharge at one of the numerous neighboring cafes or restaurants, making your day absolutely memorable.
Browse Through Origin Massage Horgen and embark on a journey of holistic well-being, where tranquility, expert therapy, and the picturesque charm of Horgen integrated to create a memorable experience for your heart and soul.
Work Hours
Monday | 10:30 - 19:00 | |
Tuesday | Closed | |
Wednesday | Closed | |
Thursday | 14:00 - 21:00 | |
Friday | Closed | Closed now |
Saturday | Closed | |
Sunday | Closed | |
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